Facilities & Features Casas do Porto
- General services:
- Baby Sitting Service,
- Bicycle Rentals,
- Boat Hire,
- Child Friendly,
- Concierge Service,
- Excursions,
- Garage,
- High speed internet connection,
- Lift,
- Luggage Storage,
- Non Smoking Rooms,
- Private Transfer To / From Airport,
- Scooter Rentals
- Activities:
- Excursions on request
- Comfort:
- Parking,
- WiFi Internet connection
Room facilities available Casas do Porto
- General Services Room:
- Air conditioning,
- Balcony in selected rooms,
- Bathrobe,
- Bathroom with shower,
- Bedlinen,
- Hair dryer,
- Linen bedsheets,
- Living room,
- Living room with Tv,
- Private entrance,
- Safe,
- Sofa,
- Tablecloths,
- Towels,
- Wardrobe closet
- In-Room Services:
- Allequipped kitchenette,
- Ironing equipment,
- Kitchenette,
- Nespresso Machine,
- Refrigerator,
- Tea/coffee maker
- Comfort:
- WiFi internet connection