Restaurante Hotel Casa Fumanal
10/10 on 1 reviews
Facilities & Features Restaurante Hotel Casa Fumanal
Terms and conditions of booking Restaurante Hotel Casa Fumanal
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All published reviews have been personally written by the clients of after their hotel stay!
Score breakdown
Comfort 10 / 10
Courtesy 10 / 10
Leisure 10 / 10
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Charlier (As couple)
Check in: 22 Oct 2015
Check out: 30 Oct 2015
Number of nights: 8
Stayed in room: Junior Suite
His Opinion: Ne faites pas trop de publicité pour cet endroit... qui doit demeurer rare. Si la littérature, l'art ou le culturisme vous ont rapproché de la frontière du bonheur, la Demba vous apprendra l'hédonisme. La classe a l'état nature. Merci.